
Côte Brasserie - Highgate

12 localnici recomandă,

Sugestii de la localnici

June 24, 2015
Cote is probably the best place for a cooked breakfast in the village and only a two minute stroll away.
April 6, 2017
Price and quality value , french gastronomy.
April 30, 2018
Opposite Willow Park and a walk through to the famous Highgate Cemetery where Karl Marx is buried.
Lisa & Dominic
March 7, 2016
French Brasserie. Great venue and good value for money. Lovely atmosphere.
May 5, 2015
good, simple and affordable dining, two minutes away.

Lucruri unice de făcut în apropiere

Vezi peste 30 de obiective turistice de top din Londra. Ghid distractiv!
Soulful Travel Memories - Multilocation London Photoshoot
Palatele și Parlamentul uimitoare ale Londrei

Localnicii recomandă de asemenea

2 Highgate High St
London, England