
Greg's Pizza

5 localnici recomandă,

Sugestii de la localnici

Jeff And Joey
August 24, 2021
Greg's Pizza is considered by many to be the best in Johnson City! If you're a pizza enthusiast I highly recommend it. Warning: it's going to have a lot of cheese and a lot of grease.
June 3, 2022
This isn't your average pizza! They call it volcano pizza and we love the greg's special and the pepperoni. It is definitely worth the price for something different.
January 17, 2019
Volcano Pizza. Regionally famous. It's an experience. I like their homemade sausage.

Lucruri unice de făcut în apropiere

Forjează manual un cuțit pentru spike-ul căii ferate
Învață să folosești un lanț simplu pentru chei sau o brățară
776 W Elk Ave
Elizabethton, TN