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Cum utilizez PayPal pentru a primi încasări?

Paypal is only available as an Airbnb host payout method in certain countries. To find out if it's available to you, check out your options when you add a payout method. If it's listed for your selected country or region, you'll be able to connect your existing PayPal account as a payout method.

Connecting your PayPal account

To successfully use PayPal to receive host payouts, activate your PayPal account before adding it as an Airbnb payout method. Then, when adding your existing PayPal account to Airbnb, make sure that you correctly enter the email address associated with the PayPal account.

PayPal may require you to verify your account by providing additional identification or proof of address. If this requirement applies to you, any Airbnb payouts released during the PayPal verification time will be deposited into your account after it's verified by PayPal. During that time, Airbnb will notify you through email that there's an error.

Find out more about PayPal, including how to create an account, at

Receiving payouts

When your newly added payout method is ready, PayPal allows you to receive Airbnb payouts directly to your PayPal account. After Airbnb releases your payout, PayPal typically delivers the funds to your account within 1 business day.

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